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February 2025

The year is starting with bang after bang! The Whateverly Brothers, after a long silence, have just released a new single, Window on the World, available to hear on the usual virtual listening posts, and downloadable here.

In a couple of weeks time, I'll be releasing a single of my own. I plan to release several throughout the year, as I seem to keep coming up with fresh songs. I'll be updating regularly here.

I also plan to tidy up and release The Lockdown Tapes, a collection of 6 songs written and recorded back in 2020, when we were all enduring isolation. I recorded at home, with all collaborators phoning in their parts. I hope to make this available some time before the summer.

lockdown tapes art.JPG

I will continue to play gigs here and there, once in a while. Please contact me if you'd like music at a party or something you are organising, or if you think of a venue that would enjoy the kind of noise I make.

See you all soon I hope!

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